Who we are and what we do

Move forward together virtually with Sarah and Lynn

Hello and welcome to our homepage and blog. We are glad that you have found your way here! We are your virtual assistant duo from Switzerland, and together we hope to make your life easier.

Who we are & what we do picture as a banner for the blogpost

Who are we?

We are Sarah and Lynn, two young women from Switzerland. We have known each other for a while now; it has been a good seven years. What brought us together was our love of fitness. We are both very active and practice yoga and Pilates daily. Sarah is a Pilates instructor, and Lynn is a yoga instructor.

We both have a scientific and health background, went to university, and now want to bring our skillset to the table for your use. We believe that our different skillsets and characters are the magic ingredient for us to stand out. Sarah is very creative and creates content on TikTok, while Lynn is more organised and helps to keep the projects together.

What we want for you!

We want to be able to provide a service to you that actually makes your life easier. We want to learn and have new experiences while becoming better at what we do. It sounds cliché, but we value Swiss standards and want to have a happy customer at the end.

Let’s work together

If you think we are on the same page and share the same values as you, please reach out to us! We are happy to answer any questions and provide a tailored offer according to your needs.

If you see our homepage and think that we might be able to help anyone you know, don’t be shy, share our homepage or drop us a message with a company name, and we will reach out to them with an offer! Let’s move forward together virtually

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